Guys. Today is September 1st. When the heck did that happen??? How is it that fall is already around the corner? I can already smell that fall smell in the air. I LOVE autumn. I love the little nip in the air. I love the smell of burning leaves. I love the gorgeous brown, red and orange leaves. And...
I'm getting married in FOUR and a half WEEKS. Holy crap! I have so much left to do. Some days I am really stressed and some days I am ok. I am, of course, so excited!!! I can't believe I will be a wife in a little over a month. I will have a husband! Ahhhhh!
Other than the wedding, the other thing we are really excited about is football starting. I never in a million years thought I would get excited over football season, but JJ has changed me. When we started dating, I hated football. However, I started watching games with JJ and actually learned about the game. I spent so many games asking JJ many, many questions. JJ actually loves it when I ask questions because he gets to teach me new things. I think it makes him feel manly. Anyway, JJ is thrilled that football starts this weekend because he actually has a new big screen plasma tv with HD. It is so adorable to see him get so excited. He doesn't show emotions that often so it is out of the ordinary and so cute.
We made our traditional fall meal yesterday. Turkey chili! We have the most amazing crock pot recipe and the smell makes me even more excited about fall and football. I cannot believe how fast this year is passing by! Soon it will be the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years! And this holiday season will be my first as a wife. With a husband. And a different last name. WOW.
Oh and sorry for the lack of posts and comments lately. Wedding planning has now taken over my life. :)
Ack! Can't believe the wedding is so soon! Eeeee!
Gosh, I can only imagine how much there would be to do! So many exciting things happening.. I'm thrilled for you! A new last name. Crazy. See, I can't even imagine that yet. ;-) Early days!
Make sure you take some time out in the next few busy weeks to look after and pamper yourself. xx
The BF and I are the same! I watched football sporatically, but nothing to write home about. But since dating him, it seems like there's always a game on. I know every year I'm going to lose him to football...sigh
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