My mom came to visit me last week. Well actually, she flew in from Chicago on Wednesday, March 10. I took off Thursday, Friday and Monday to hang out with her. She stayed until Saturday, March 20. I wonder if I will ever get used to living so far from her. Everytime we visit each other, I cry for days after we part ways again. Does anyone else have that problem? I feel like I am still 5 years old when it comes to missing my parents. Please tell me I am normal.
In other news, I hate my job. Like, I really hate it you guys. I love the company I work for, I (usually) like my coworkers, I have a kick ass little office and I get to work with JJ. But my job sucks. I am constantly bored out of my mind and for some reason that is more tiring that being busy. After a day of being bored, I will go home with a headache and will be completely exhausted. On the rare occasion that I am busy, I go home feeling energized and like I actually have value.
I don't want to leave my job because I have great benefits and really don't want to start trying to find something new in this crazy economy. Plus, when JJ and I decide to have kids, I am planning on being a stay at home mom. The last thing I want to do is start over with a new company, only to quit after a year or less because I am staying home with my kids.
So everyday I struggle to find a purpose. I try so hard to find something to do so I am not miserable all day. Some days I can find enough to keep me occupied, but most days I am completely bored. Today is one of those days. Come on 4:30! Hurry up and get here already!
Dude, I completely agree with you that sitting around wasting time is exhausting! Why the frig is that?! I had a temp job for about a month wherein there was literally nothing for me to do but sit and play on the computer all day, but weirdly, I came home with an exhaustion headache every day -- even though had I been doing the same thing at home, I'd feel fine!
Oh, hon, I can completely relate to the job thing. It's so tough. It's tough to not enjoy where you are... it's tough to consider leaving. I feel your pain. Sadly, I have no solution except this... focus on the next year, knowing it's not forever. Put your downtime towards brainstorming for Roses & Rings and all the wonderful things the next few years will bring! *hugs*
I'm sharing your pain, including the 4.30 count down!
It sucks being so bored but as this is my first permanent job I can't leave it. Just wish I could get busy!
It's crazy we're living pretty much parallel lives!
Being bored at work is the worst. Sorry it's sucky at the moment.
Totally feeling you on the missing parents thing. It's so hard to live far away. I hope when we have kids they all live close when they are grown up.
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