Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Passion

About a year ago I tried to start learning about photography, but ended up giving up due to my upcoming wedding and being sick ALL.THE.TIME. Lately, in order to distract myself from some not so pleasant events in my life (nothing major. Sorry for being so vague), I have jumped head first into photography.

And I am LOVING it. I am the happiest and most free when I am walking around with my camera on my face. When I am taking pictures I feel like myself again, finally! I have moments where I get overwhelmed because there is so much to learn but most of the time I just enjoy it. Any time I am bored at work, which is pretty much all the time, I read photography blogs or search for inspirational photos. It is so nice to have something I am proud of again. Work drains me because I dislike my job and feel so worthless so it's nice to feel like I have accomplished something at the end of the day. I have posted some pictures on twitter and on Digital Photography School and have gotten some amazing feedback. My confidence is building and my passion is overflowing.

I also have to send a HUGE thank you to Rachel for helping me get started! She is an amazing photographer and took time out of her busy schedule to help me out. Rachel, I don't think you will ever know how much you did for me.

So! Here are some of my favorite photos so far.




Kenspeckle - Stiletto


Rachelle said...

i think i was destined to find your blog.... I. love. Photography. I bought this expensive camera in May and I really don't totally know how to totally use it... but taking pictures is SOO fun. I like to pretend im a cool photographer... but I am a total Amateur. Kudos to you for diving into the photography world. These pics you posted are really great!!

Some links to some posts with some of my pics :)

Rachel said...

Oh I adore this post, and you. I'm so happy I was able to help you!! I'm always up for a photog chat session, so whenever you have any questions, make sure you find me! The photos above are absoloutely wonderful, you definitely have an eye!!

Breathe Gently said...

Looking fabulous - the pup, oh, lighting is just amazing. I can't wait to teach myself some more - being around my brother's Canon all weekend has made me twitching with anticipation.. my Nikon is due in a few weeks and I CAN'T WAIT! ;)

It's an awesome hobby to have and I love your pics.

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Oh my gosh ... those photos are so gorgeous! I'm so glad I found your blog. I bought a digital camera earlier this year and have been trying to figure out how to use it, but I'm nowhere near taking actual "photographs." These are stunning. I can't wait to see more!