Friday, November 21, 2008

End of the Week!

I am so glad that it's Friday. I am completely exhausted today. It seems like throughout the week, I get more and more tired and then when Friday comes along I am totally pooped. I usually go to bed really early Friday night because I am so worn out from the week.

Me and JJ are going to workout after work and then order pizza for dinner!!! I am really excited about that. We usually eat really healthy (for example, last night we had burgers but with no bun or cheese. and corn. yum.) so having something like pizza is a huge treat/splurge. Plus, it will totally keep me motivated to workout knowing that I will be stuffing my face with lots of greasy, cheesy pizza later. We try to be pretty balanced. We both try to workout as much as we have time to and we eat healthy. However, we both love dessert and won't hesitate to chow down on some ice cream or cookies.

This weekend should be pretty fun too. JJ is done with his homework for this semester so he will finally get to relax a little. We are planning on going shopping on Saturday. JJ needs a new coat and I need to buy a dress for our upcoming Christmas party at work. We will probably go out to eat for an early dinner and then head home because JJ wants to watch football. He loves football but he is really flexible about watching games. There has been only one time that I can remember where he told me that a certain game was important to him and he needed to watch it. Other than that if he misses a game, it isn't a big deal to him. He is just awesome like that. :)

On Sunday we are going to meet some of my family for a birthday lunch. My uncle's birthday was this week and we are going to go to this Indian restaurant for lunch. I LOVE Indian food. I had never tried it until about a year ago and I totally love it. If you haven't tried it, I definitely recommend it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Holidays, Already?

I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is next week. How did I get so behind? I remember when I was in school I would be counting down the days until Thanksgiving or Christmas. Now it seems like it is creeping up on me and is getting ready to pounce. Ah! I'm not ready!

This year JJ and I are going to be with his family for Thanksgiving. We will fly out on Thanksgiving Day, early in the morning. We will fly back home on December 1. I am a little nervous to go home with JJ, but not too bad (yet!). I have already met his parents and two siblings. The one brother I have not met has become friends with me over text messages (don't ask me how that started because I really don't remember) so I feel like I know him the most. I am a little nervous about meeting the rest of JJ's HUGE family. JJ's family has monthly get-togethers where they celebrate all the birthdays and anniversaries of that month. JJ has told me that there will be like 50 people in a little house. I don't have a large family and this concept is so unfamiliar to me. I tend to get anxious in social situations where I don't know many people so I am a little worried about how I am going to react to that many people in one space. Especially since no one has met me. JJ "reassures" me by saying that everyone is really cool and they will just make fun of me. Oh ok. Great. I feel so much better.

For Christmas, JJ will fly to his parent's house on December 19. I will fly to my parent's house on December 24 and stay until January 3. My birthday is December 28 and I will turn 24!!! JJ is going to fly to my parent's house on Dec 28 so he can spend some time with me and my family over the holidays and for my birthday. I am so excited for JJ to see my parent's house and Chicago (where my parents live). JJ has never seen a REAL city so I can't wait to take him into the city.

This will be the first year that we are splitting holidays and it is a little wierd to me. My parents are having some pretty severe maritial problems and JJ knows about all of that. It's so different to have someone else with you that knows all of your families problems. I know that is pretty normal when you get married but it is just not something I am used to. It is really nice, in a way, to have a best friend along with you to help you deal with hard times. But it is also something I have to get used to.

What are you guys doing for the holidays? Staying at home? Traveling?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cabin in the Woods

Last weekend was wonderful.

We didn't really plan anything before we headed off to the mountains. We grabbed some dinner on the way on Friday and arrived at our little cabin around 9 or 10 (I wasn't really paying attention to the time). It was the cutest cabin I have ever seen! It was so clean and there were little directions taped on the walls explaining how to use the hot tub, fireplace, dvd player, etc. We unpacked a little, watched some tv and went to bed. It had been a long day and we were both tired.

Saturday we woke up and I immediately went onto the back porch. Since it had been dark when we arrived, I had not been able to see the view. It was amazing! The leaves were absolutely gorgeous!! We headed out to breakfast and ate at this little pancake place (there were a million of them in the little town). We then walked around the main street area where all the shops were. I was amazed at how casual it was. The area is known as a great honeymoon town but everything was so casual! There weren't any dressy restaurants or anything like that. Everyone was wearing their favorite sports team hoodies and some people were even in sweat pants! There were tons of little touristy shops that we just stopped in and strolled through. It was fun but we got tired of the crowds and people pretty quickly. We went back to our cabin and took a nap. I also spent some time on the porch just staring at the amazing view. Saturday night we searched for a nice steakhouse. We wanted a quiet, dark, romantic place to eat and we just couldn't find one. All that was there were rib and BBQ places and of course everything was packed. We finally settled on this restaurant that ended up being just ok. The service was awful and the food was just so-so. It was the dressiest place we could find and still people were walking around in sweats. I was also whistled at as I was walking to the bathroom. Classy. We headed back to the cabin. We started a fire and sipped wine while cuddling on the couch. It was so romantic! However, after one glass of wine, we both fell fast asleep on the couch. Yeah, we are crazy party animals!!!

Sunday we woke up and got ready to leave. The traffic was awful and the only place we could find to eat breakfast that wasn't jammed was Waffle House. We then headed home.

Overall, I think it was a fun trip. If we ever go back, we will probably spend more time just hanging out in our cabin rather than battling the crowds to go into the city. The town just seemed so redneck (sorry if that offends anyone). We were looking for more of a romantic getaway and we just didn't really get that. I would also like to spend more time doing stuff outdoors like hiking and fishing. We just didn't have enough time this last weekend. It was very cool to see how even if we don't plan anything and the trip ends up not being what we had expected, me and JJ can have fun together. It seems like we can have fun together no matter what we are doing. I love that. :)

Friday, November 7, 2008


Monday was mine and JJ's one year anniversary! I cannot believe it has been an entire year! We have actually been living together for 6 months of that one year which has been a challenging but positive step in our relationship.

I had already told JJ that we didn't need to do anything special on Monday because we are going to celebrate our anniversary this weekend. Monday after work, JJ stayed late to work out and I went home. I had just gotten in the shower when Little P started barking her head off. She normally never barks so it was definately out of the ordinary. I was a little scared because I watch a LOT of crime shows and the victims are so often young females at home alone. The first thing that ran through my mind is that if someone was in the house, I would definately be raped because I was already naked (yeah I know I am a little wierd). I heard pounding on my front door and then my phone ringing. I answered my phone and JJ said "Open the door!" He said the garage door wasn't opening.

It turns out he was trying to surprise me at the front door with roses. I answered the door dripping wet in my towel and shaking because I had been so scared. I think he felt pretty bad. I just laughed. I mean, he bought me flowers!! How sweet is that??

Today, we are leaving work early (there is nothing better than getting off early on Friday!) and heading to the mountains. We rented a little cabin up in the mountains of Tennessee to spend the weekend. There will be a hot tub and rocking chairs on the porch overlooking the beautiful mountain. The leaves are going to be changing too so it should be so pretty! I can't wait to have some time away to spend with JJ. We have both been so busy lately and we really need this.

I hope everyone else has a great weekend! Does anyone have any special plans?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proud to be an American

Something has been really bothering me lately (besides the election results). I keep hearing people say "I am so proud to be an American." I understand that we just elected our first black president. Why does it take winning an election to be proud of your country??? I am ALWAYS proud to be an American!

It seems like some Democrats (SOME) are so unhappy with America unless everything is going their way. And even then, they are usually unhappy. Even Obama told a 7-year-old girl "America is, is no longer, uh, what it could be, what it, it once was,” Obama said. “And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.” That really bothers me (besides the fact that he was telling a CHILD that).

Yes, America is not perfect. Yes, there are things that need to be improved. However, I love America. I love this country and I am proud to be an American. I will always tell you this, even when my candidate lost and I am upset. Even if the country is not going in a direction that is my ideal, I still love this country and am so proud to be an American. Period.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I posted a comment on Sensibly Sassy's blog and I think it best sums up how I feel today:

Congratulations all the Obama supporters! I have to admit, I am completely broken-hearted today. I took this loss so personally and cried so hard last night. It will be a hard day for me. I just really hope that Obama will deliver what he has been promising. If he does make this country better then that will make me so happy! I guess I will just have to see where the next 4 years takes us.

I still hold my head high (even though I do have tears in my eyes) as a strong, informed, outspoken and conservative Republican.

Congrats guys!!! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008


Please, everyone VOTE tomorrow! Don't think that your vote won't count. It will! Speak up! Stand up for what you believe in!

Unfortunately in Alabama, we don't have early voting. I will be standing in line for hours tomorrow but I don't care. This is the most important election in my lifetime (even though that really isn't that long) and I will do what it takes to make sure my voice is heard.